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wiersz o prawach dziecka w wersji angielskiej

Autor: Urszula Kowalska
Tłumaczenie na język angielski: Wanda Daszyńska
Korczak, the famous doctor said words full of meaning
That each Child, although tiny is a human being.
Therefore the RIGHT TO LIVE becomes a major thing;
To learn and to experience whatever the life can bring.
So when the Child is born it gets the best of care
And the parents’ loving ways the Child feels everywhere.
The tiny human being will perish on its own,
A FAMILY is much needed it does not feel alone.
A father and a mother will always count as first
And all fun-loving siblings will rightly follow next.
The parents’ major task is always to ensure
That the Child’s health and welfare is at all times secure
They dress, feed and protect at every single stage;
Eighteen long years will pass for the Child to come of age.
All parents know that education plays an important role
And all the knowledge gained will reach a future goal.
Though EDUCATION is the LAW to follow and obey,
The Child’s enthusiasm is not there for the fun is put away.
Yet proper schooling is much needed and benefits are great.
The lack of it may be disastrous and seal the future fate.
The knowledge gained helps building up courage and self-esteem
To make decisions which can last and not a passing whim.
There is the Right we all regard as one of priority.
It is a name the Child receives to mark its IDENTITY.
Children have secrets big and small which they will guard quite well
And only share them with a person they put their trust to tell.
VIOLENCE is strictly prohibited and is the major Law.
The ones that break it would be punished so they would hurt no more.
We don’t smack children, push about in an angry and violent way,
Or reprimand with a screaming voice without regard or shame.
We shouldn’t lough at, mock the Child when others are around,
The hurt will show on little faces without a word or sound.
The final RIGHT will prove the winner which I am glad to say
For it would make all children happy to study and to play.
This RIGHT is the greatest of them all and  can’t be praised enough
For it comes straight from our heart and we just call it LOVE.
Wielkie podziękowania dla p. Wandy Daszyńskiej, że chciała podjąć się tego trudnego zadania.
